This Is Me

Most websites have an About Me page, but that is not big enough what I want to do here. So, This Is Me is my way forward (and technically, my first bit of lyrical larceny on this page).

 This Is Me

This website will be about me, my shoes, my food, my drinks, my music, my hobbies, my lyrics, my dog, my wife, my family, my names, my hog, my friends, my books, my blogs, my walks, my podcasts, my spade, my thoughts, my dreams, my past, my present, my future, my journal, my ADHD, my mental health, my breakdown, Andy’s Man Club, my anger, my joy, my catharsis,

My darkness, my light, my broken parts, my scars, my escapes, my breakdowns, my place, my glories, my sharp words, my bravery, my bruises, my marches to the beat of my drum, my apologies, my shame, my pride, my failures, my successes.

Not So Guilty Pleasure

I attend a group called Andy’s Man Club every week. We are asked a series of questions. Some stay the same every week, and some change. One of the recent ones was, ‘What’s your guilty pleasure?’. Many members could not believe my answer was The Greatest Showman, but this is me.

From Now On.


Read on, and you’ll find out.

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