Working Memory And ADHD

(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases) So, what exactly is working memory? Think of it as your mental Post-It, keeping track of all the little information you need to get stuff done. It’s like the short-term storage that helps you remember a phone number long enough to dial it or hold onto … Read more

Executive Brain Function and ADHD

Executive brain function refers to a set of mental skills that help us manage time, pay attention, switch focus, plan, and organize activities. These skills are crucial for regulating behaviour and emotions. In individuals with ADHD, these functions might not work as efficiently, leading to challenges in everyday tasks. Think of executive brain function like … Read more

Living With Adhd

I thought I’d type some prompts about ADHD into an AI tool and see what crops up. I think its quite good. This is what it came up with. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, affects many individuals worldwide. It’s a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Understanding ADHD is the … Read more